Vedic practices and knowledge have transformed my life for the better, so I've made it my mission to share this ancient wisdom with others.

About Me
I’ve always felt an immense curiosity to understand human thinking. I’m fascinated by individual thought, the part of us that asks: What interests me? What do I want? What drives me? Who am I? This last question can lead us to wonder if we are more than just that individual thinking. In other words, there is something that makes us unique, yet at the same time, that something can be transcended, allowing us to recognize a universality beyond individuality.
Reflecting on the individual and the universal has clearly shaped my interests. On one hand, I love exploring my own psyche and understanding that of others through psychological thought, particularly in the psychoanalytic field. On the other hand, exploring the concept of unity and how to transcend individuality has led me to study ancient philosophical and spiritual traditions. In the Vedas, the ancient Indian body of knowledge over 5,000 years old, I’ve found many of these answers.
Vedic Meditation and Ayurveda, the traditional science of health from India, have brought me bliss, creativity, and depth. These practices have helped me align with what I’m here to experience and contribute, allowing me to enjoy life more fully. They are simple yet powerful, which inspires me to share them with those interested. For this reason, becoming a Vedic Meditation Teacher and an Ayurvedic Health Counselor has been one of my priorities.
Besides teaching Vedic Meditation, I also work as a graphic designer. Creativity and visual communication are also among my biggest interests. You can see some of my work here.
After two years of studying hundreds of hours of advanced courses on the Vedas, I was accepted into the rigorous and prestigious teacher training program led by Thom Knoles in northern India.
For three months, I lived in an ashram in the foothills of the Himalayas. We delved deep into Vedic philosophy and spirituality and did a great deal of meditation - up to 14 hours a day for almost a month. We took test after test and learned everything about our tradition, our meditation technique, and working with students. The program was intense but extremely gratifying, as I am now able to teach this technique, having been trained to the highest standards.
I'm officially recognized by the ancient Shankaracharya tradition of India, with the blessing of Swami Kailashanand Giri Ji Maharaj, one of the most revered spiritual teachers of India and the elected Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math. There are fewer than 200 teachers in the world who meet this criteria.
I've studied for over 2,500 hours and have been closely trained by Thom Knoles - Shri 1008 Mahamandaleshwar Maharishi Vyasanand Giri Maharaj - the only Westerner in the world to have ever been inducted into the tradition at the highest level. Thom has taught meditation to over 40,000 people around the world and is an expert in the field of neuroscience and consciousness.